Wednesday, March 12, 2014

#BuckFiftyADay: Starting a New Life

I had another job interview yesterday. This time, it was for an assistant baseball coaching job at a junior college. It was an enjoyable interview, and even though I have no college baseball coaching experience on my resume, I felt I made a strong case for myself. It’s a part-time job and the pay is minuscule, so don’t waste any prayers on me. If it happens it happens. If it doesn’t it doesn’t. Whatever will be will be. I’m a regular cliché machine lately. The one I utter the most is the old, “If it doesn’t kill you it can only make you stronger.” I’ve lost count of how many interviews I’ve done this past month. Car dealerships. Craig’s List ads. I’ve gotten a ton of calls from insurance companies, telling me they can help me change directions and start a new life for myself. I appreciate their concern.

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